Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Week.

What did you learn this week?
So far, this internship has been amazing for me. I have learned how large agencies work, and how to prioritize my time in a work setting. I also learned of the many facets of commuting to work, and keeping track of what meetings I have when. I also learned much of the secrecy that comes with working with large companies.
Did you like what you were doing? 
Absolutely I have. Everyone at Digitas has been as nice as can be, and have made this process completely painless. Every meeting I have been in has been interesting and I have learned something new every time. Although I of coarse miss people from school, I know that what I am learning is invaluable and that this is a once in a lifetime experience.
Why do you suppose you were asked to do a certain activity?
For example, this week I was asked to complete two case studies on Social media and mobile advertising. This was because in this field, ones knowledge must change as technology does. And while they are very up to date, It is assumed that my age group is very knowledgeable about social media and the mobile space.
Did everything happen as you expected it would or were there some surprises? 
The only thing that I was really surprised about how little down time I actually have. I am very busy every day and I love it. In fact, if I am not doing anything, Carrie or Kerry will swing by and bring me into one of their meetings.
How will you benefit from this week’s activities?
I have gotten many business cards and met many contacts within Digitas. This could prove very useful later on down the road when I need a college internship or even when I am out of college and trying to get a job. Apart from that, I am learning a ton. When I first arrived, any advertising lingo would send me into a fit of confusion; already I can make at least some sense out of it.

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