Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stale Cereal

Today began with stale cereal left by the last person to use our apartment. I should have seen that as a sign of things to come but I was oblivious. After a quick shower I headed out. It was not until 15 minutes later, halfway through my commute, that I remembered that I forgot my keycard. The same keycard that was crucial to gaining access to the high security fortress that is Digitas. After making the trek back, I thankfully caught the bus and made it to work on time.

From there my day improved drastically. I had a 10:30 meeting with (censored), a manager of marketing for a large utility company. Here we discussed how the TV ads that he primarily deals with are tailored to suit the regions they air in. It is a very interesting process involving many different deals and offers.

After this I began work on re-skining this blog, and performing two case studies for my sponsors. One study involves talking about my favorite companies and their presences both online and offline. The second deals with the hot topic that is Social Media. How does a company take it seriously enough to allow it to have an impact. Is Twitter just a fad? Is Facebook dying? Hopefully by the end on my 3 weeks I will have an answer to these questions.


  1. I'm interested on the company's take on social media. Are they trying to predict what the next big social media will be?
    I like your graduation countdown & the goldfish, who try to nibble on the cursor!

  2. Digitas defiantly takes social media seriously. How couldn't they with Twitter and Facebook all over the news. The problem is that the main generation these sites cater to isn't know for having the longest attention span. Facebook and Twitter will not be around forever. They will soon become obsolete, and be replaced. It is not a question of if but when. I believe their fall from grace has begun.
    But I digress...
